Website maintenance
Opgelost dec 28 om 03:00 CET
We are going to update the website www.mgwebdev.eu
Updating mgwebdev.site
Opgelost dec 27 om 15:10 CET
Some parts of our website may be unavailable during the update of mgwebdev.site. In this update the following sites will be updated or will be unavailable during the update: www.mgwebdev.ga, www.mgwebdev.site, webdev.mattisgames.ga
Website is being maintained
Opgelost jan 19 om 20:47 CET
Our website has been updated and is back online
2 eerdere updates
Server Maintenance
Opgelost feb 20 om 14:09 CET
Our mailservers are back online, you can now contact our team back trough email
2 eerdere updates
Server Maintenance
Opgelost feb 19 om 21:40 CET
Some websites can be unavailable during this server maintenance. Users will be unable to access the subscription manage utility.
MG WebDev server update
Opgelost feb 04 om 20:32 CET
We have successfully updated our website and transferred to our new servers.
5 eerdere updates